Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease that affects the skin. Dermatitis refers to inflammation of the skin, and the word “atopic” refers to a group of diseases that are inherited, often occurring with other diseases, including asthma, allergies, and dermatitis. This condition affects young people, and most patients are children.
What is atopic dermatitis?
Atopic dermatitis is chronic skin damage, which occurs as a result of genetics or environmental factors. In atopic dermatitis, the skin is damaged and loses its ability to retain water. At the same time, the skin is dry and displays allergy symptoms, immunity is compromised, and patients develop bacterial and viral infections more easily.
What to look out for in atopic dermatitis?
The most important thing in atopic dermatitis, according to Dr. Dink Kaliterna, is skincare. The skin needs to be protected and its barrier needs to be properly nourished. Certain products, such as emollients, strengthen the skin barrier. Dr. Kaliterna recommends wearing only cotton clothes and avoiding clothes made of wool and synthetics. He also suggests showering instead of bathing. It is also important to treat the space in which we stay with a humidifier and regularly air the room. If the skincare is sufficient and regular, and if we drink enough water, the itching can be alleviated.
Skincare advice for atopic dermatitis
The skin should be nurtured both from the outside as well as from within. It is advisable to take certain substrates, such as linolenic acid, vitamin D, vitamin B complex, and probiotics because the cause of developing atopic dermatitis lies within. It is very important that we address both internal and external factors to alleviate discomfort and itching. In some cases, antihistamines can be used for severe itching.
Treating atopic dermatitis
Dermatological treatment in atopic dermatitis includes using corticosteroids, antihistamines, and topical modulators. Phototherapy can also be used, which also plays an important role, and more recently, so-called biological drugs are advised in more severe forms of the disease.