General terms and conditions

The website is owned by MYSKIN COSMETICS d.o.o. company Ulica grada Vukovara 284, 1000 Zagreb, PIN: 28481951779. All materials located on the website are an exclusive intellectual property of the company MySkin cosmetics d.o.o, they may only be used with an explicit approval of the copyright owner and holders of trademark and/or design rights. MySkin cosmetics d.o.o. enables the use of services and content of the website as regulated by these Terms of Purchase.

These Terms of Purchase are part of the Seller’s obligation pursuant to the Consumer Protection Act and their purpose is informing the Customer in a clear and understandable manner about various circumstances important for the conclusion, execution, and termination of the contract, pursuant to the legal regulations and prior to concluding the distance contract.

The term Seller refers to the company MYSKIN COSMETICS d.o.o., Ulica grada Vukovara 284 D, Zagreb, PIN: 28481951779, REG.NO.: 5257409, T: 0800 913 080, e-mail:, WEB:

The term Customer refers both to the typical customer: natural person who orders and pays for a product via service of the website’s web shop unrelated to any business activities, but also craftsmen, individual traders, and natural persons performing business activities who are protected by the provisions of the Consumer Protection Act only if they are buying products unrelated to their business activities, and to all other customers, for example legal entities.

The Seller acts on its own behalf by making sales through the website

The terms of purchase form a part of the concluded distance contract together with the specifications and price of the purchased product(s). Before confirming the order for purchase of a certain product, the Customer will be requested to confirm these terms and state that he or she is aware and consents to them, while after the confirmation of the order (conclusion of the contract) the terms of purchase will be delivered to the Customer in an e-mail message confirming the conclusion of the contract. The Seller retains the right to amend the terms at any time. The amendments come into force at the time of their publication on this website.

Once the Customer confirms and executes the order the contract is concluded, and the Seller will inform him immediately about this fact by sending an e-mail message.

For a properly concluded contract, it is necessary that the Customer is a person with the full legal capacity.

The Customer is responsible for completeness and veracity of data entered during registration.

The terms of sale are divided into categories/information.

The access to the website may sometimes be unavailable because of works, maintenance, or introduction of new content, and in cases of unforeseen circumstances that are outside of the Seller’s control, which the Seller will try to resolve as quickly as possible.

Main attributes of the goods

The main attributes of the goods: the products are described by words and photographs. The information on the products is based on MySkin cosmetics database.

The photographs of the products are illustrative and do not necessarily match the ordered products in all details. The Seller particularly emphasizes that the visual identity of the product shown on the photograph does not have to necessarily match the real appearance of the product, especially considering the settings of the Customer’s computer monitor, differences in the perception of the colors that the Seller sees on the display, etc. Such inconsistencies between the product on the photo and the delivered product are not considered to be product deficiencies.

Such inconsistencies between the product on the photo and the delivered product are not considered to be product deficiencies. The product information (description of the product, price, etc.) exhibited on the website is subjective to bugs, irregularities in the performance of the application, other technical irregularities, typing errors, etc. In case of obvious errors and irregularities regarding the data exhibited on, the Seller retains the right to unilaterally terminate the contract.

The subject of the order may only be the products for which the order states are available and at disposition. Because of a large number of simultaneous orders at, it is possible that the information on the availability of the product is not identical to the situation at the warehouse.

If the ordered product is not available at the warehouse, the Seller will inform the Customer that the product is currently unavailable, the deadline in which the product will become available again, and offer the option of buying an alternative product on that is available for delivery and whose characteristics match the product that is unavailable for delivery as closely as possible.

Price of the product

The prices on the website are stated in HRK. The VAT is calculated in the price of the product. The delivery expenses are not calculated in the price of the product. The delivery expenses are calculated separately because of the difference in the delivery expenses depending on the address of the delivery. If the order surpasses the amount above HRK 500 and the delivery is made within the Republic of Croatia, the delivery is free of charge.

Prior to the confirmation of the order, the price of the product, the price of the chargeable delivery, VAT price, and the final price are separately stated, so that the Customer has an insight into the final price paid for the ordered purchase service.

In case of payment by e-banking and general payment slip, the expenses of the payment and/or banking transaction are not included in the price.

Note: the discounts that are calculated to the final invoice amount do not apply to My Skin by Dr. Kaliterna gift cards.

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